Any more rum and we’ll end up dumb! (and possibly with hairy chests) and let’s face it, who wants to watch an all girl band with hairy chests?
Well, me but people seem to think I’m insane, which is fine because “
In a country full of Neanderthals, I’ll wear the label like a f*#kin' badge of honor.”
Oh how I wish I could take credit for that quote!
It’s been a while since I’ve bloggidy blog blogged, I would get into the reasons why but I’m afraid I’d reveal too much about my sordid personal life and that would be inappropriate in a forum like this. All you need to know is that I’m a hard-working musician with a full time career in subsidising my music career.
Speaking of music, I thank the heavens everyday that I met my band mates and that we make the music that we do. The more we go along the more we realise the importance of making music for ourselves without worrying about whether or not it’ll get radio play, or whether it’s pseudo-intellectual enough to convince the pseudo-intellectuals that it’s OK to like it (what is a pseudo-intellectual you ask? - basically they’re idiots. We have a knack for unashamedly speaking our minds and being ourselves. We’re a band, we came together by chance and ended up connecting musically, this is hardly the case anymore. We aspire to be unique musicians, to create music that adds some sort of value to the world. Sure, we all have our influences but we aren’t expressly trying to sound like anyone else, the more we play the more we search for and discover our own voice. And until now we’ve somewhat compromised our own voice because we thought we needed to “fit in” we thought we needed to match up to some vague standard of monotone music in order to make a living from what we do. When the reality is, the day you stop searching for your own voice is the day you’re bored and should stop making music.
So what’s changed? I guess the more we gig the more we realise that the people who are going to identify with what we do will do so regardless of how “mainstream” our music sounds. In fact the more we compromise ourselves the more we alienate the people who will truly appreciate what we’re trying to achieve.
Lately I’ve been struggling to come to terms with the amount of generic bands there are on the local scene. These bands aren’t necessarily made up of bad musicians, well some of them are but most of them are tight and well rehearsed, it’s just that the music they play has been played over and over a million times before so that listening to it is like listening to a fridge hum. And the lyrical content, oh the lyrical content, just because it rhymes doesn’t mean you should use it in your song. For godsakes will someone please stand up and say something interesting! I beg you, I implore you, I beseech you!
But for all my bitching there are of course always the exceptions, every once in a while we are fortunate enough to be in the presence of a true artist and it is these moments that make life worth living. To all of you talented, gifted musicians who possess the ability to so eloquently express the things we all wish we could (you know who you are) I thank you with all my heart for existing.
Peace in the Middle East (I’m really starting to think this is jinxing the middle east)