There is nothing more entertaining than a “sausage fest” for those of you who can’t guess what a sausage fest is, here is the Urban Dictionary definition: “Any gathering that is made up of an unusually large percentage of guys.”

The irony is that the eventual goal of most sausage fests is to dilute said sausage fest with ladies, but somehow these testosterone-fueled groups seem to shun women rather than attract them. Last night a bakkie load of gelled-hair, toight-jeaned male youths pulled up next to me…. winking and inappropriate comments ensued, I left. The point? Unknown. Perhaps they were simply trying to gain acceptance from their sausaged peers. I guess it’s kind of unfair, I mean when a group of girls get together it’s a normal everyday occurrence, that’s what we do, we get together, we talk and we don’t ever have to justify the fact that there aren’t any men around.
Where am I going with this? I don’t know, the beauty of a blog is that there never has to be any real point. I don’t need an introduction, body or conclusion I can just ramble on and on about anything that enters my psyche and seeing as things are relatively quiet on the Cortina front that just happened to be sausage fests.
That said, Cortina Whiplash hereby extend their warmest welcome to all sausage fests, come rock out with your c**** out at one of our shows and embrace your boy-friends in a non-judgmental environment filled with love, music and good times. Cortina Whiplash – your one-stop-sausage-fest-friendly band!