Our eyes welled up with tears of joy this morning when we were directed to our very first Cortina Whiplash hate group, you know you've 'arrived' when people start hating you.
But that said, we would like to request the following from any potential, future haters...
1. If you hate us enough have the decency to use your real profile to publicize that fact.
2. Please ensure that you use a spell-checker and that your arguments have been well thought-out before posting them in a moment of "Cortina hate rage".
3. Chauvinism is as lame as racism, if you're going to hate us please try hate our music and not the fact that we're women, after all if you hate women and you're a man, yet you're not a gay man where does that leave you in terms of finding a suitable mate?
To directly reference a post from the group, we're not entirely sure what you're "cock-block" post is trying to say but if we've managed to block your cock in someway then we've done well.
And lastly, thank you for taking the time to promote our band.
To the hundreds of you that pulled into Cool Runnings Fourways to support our launch (this guy included) thank you all so much for coming through, we were overwhelmed by the response and the love! You all rock!
Peace in the Middle East
-Cortina Whiplash
Before we forget...The link !