
As 2010 winds to a close

we reflect on what we've achieved, what we've done wrong, who wore what where (not really).

and in conclusion, as a band we've realized that as cool as we think we are we'll never be cool enough for some people, and instead of wondering what we can do to change that perception we've accepted that all the money in the world can't buy those people taste. It's been a tough acknowledgment to have to make but we've finally realized that their poor taste has nothing to do with us because we're just plain awesome. (Hey, we love ourselves and that's ok).

Did we ever want to be in a position to have to convince people to buy our 'product'? No! we just want to be freakin' musicians and if there was a way to do that fulltime without having to make money from it well then you probably wouldn't see us scrambling to get recognition from this industry. That's right, we'd be existing happily in our little world where artists add value to society, making music and trying to get in touch with the truth behind our existence. So excuse us if we don't eat s*&! to do what we do. One day maybe people will realize that freedom of expression has more value than insurance brokers or meat dresses. Hell maybe one day the doctors from Medecins sans frontieres will get a reality tv show and some respect for what they do instead of the empty, shallow crap we get bombarded with every day.

We're musicians who dream of a brighter future and in the meantime we express ourselves through our music and try as best as we can to fit into this strange, backwards world we find ourselves a part of.

Peace in the Middle East