Lately it’s been an international and local trend to proclaim the death of rock ‘n roll. So as one of SA’s most passionate and dedicated rock ‘n roll acts we thought we should throw our two cents into the mix.
In a nutshell the linked article states that the reason for this proclamation is based mainly on the number of rock acts in the international singles charts, simply put there aren’t any, Florence and the Machine being noted as one of only three “rock” acts in the top 100 selling UK singles acts (I like FATM but don’t know when she became rock ‘n roll). Album sales are down and the quick-fire Idols winners, Justin Biebers, Susan Boyles of the world are being favoured by record labels because of the short-term investment needed to lay a well-produced and packaged single onto the world. It’s a sure fire profit as opposed to investing in the growth and longevity of a rock ‘n roll band.
It’s a fact that the mainstream music industry is fueled by money and if a shaved monkey with a gap tooth could hold a mic and sing, a record label would invest in it and it would probably make more money than Lady Gaga (or is that how they found Lady Gaga *eerie music*). The point is who gives a shit? Do these sorts of acts do anything to change your life besides adding more pomp and little substance to an already over-saturated world? Actually I take that back, I suppose I do give a shit, knowing that a shaved monkey probably would be favoured over all the uber talented and hardworking musicians in this world.
People who believe that the UK single chart is a good barometer for the quality and success of rock ‘n roll music “wouldn’t know good music if it came up and bit them in the ass” – Frank Zappa
But that’s neither here nor there. I think it’s important for us to first establish what rock ‘n roll means. Rock ‘n roll is a hard thing to quantify. To me rock ‘n roll is anything counter culture, but that said, being counter culture is, in a way, buying into a trend just like wear Crocs is buying into a trend. So I guess it’s about your intent, are you buying the Crocs because everyone else is or because they’re comfortable? Rock ‘n roll is about listening to your heart and pursuing the things you’re passionate about, it’s about not giving in to societal pressure to be something you’re not or to do something just because it’s expected of you. To us as Cortina Whiplash, rock ‘n roll is a way of life, it’s an expression of our passion, our emotions and our love of music, it’s about being true to yourself, thinking for yourself and not being motivated by selfishness or arrogance, Jesus was rock ‘n roll, so was Bob Marley, so was Gandhi, so was Nelson Mandela, so was Yoda, they all stuck to their guns, they all made a difference. (Imagine if Gandhi had worked in insurance?) Rock ‘n roll is about us holding onto the belief that one day we will live in a world that values things such as humility over celebrity, kindness over selfish gain, respect for the environment over the size of your car, and music is our platform to voice this message.
So the state of rock ‘n roll is not exactly about how many rock artists are present on the UK single chart, it’s about way more than that - if we loose rock ‘n roll we loose it all.
Or maybe rock ‘n roll is just about loud guitars and smoke machines. But it certainly isn’t about how many rock artists are on the UK single chart.
So come rock out with us at one of our shows or buy the gap-toothed monkey’s album.
Your choice.
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